As a service to the AFS community, we maintain the GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG Public CellServDB, a public database of generally accessible AFS cells. The only requirement to be included is that your cell's database servers must have static addresses reachable from the public Internet.

Getting and Using the GCO Public CellServDB

The CellServDB can be obtained in any of the following ways:

The CellServDB entry for the cell is as follows:

>      # Grand Central Communications             

Adding or Updating your Cell

To have your cell added to the GCO Public CellServDB, send mail to with the following information:

Please note that it is easiest for us if you provide the cell name, description, and database server list in the form of a CellServDB entry, as we have automatic scripts which are capable of processing that format and importing the data into our database.

You will receive an automatic reply, and a second reply when the updates have been made to the database. Once your cell is added, the cell name, description, and list of database servers will appear in the next published version of the CellServDB. To make changes or have your cell removed, simply send another request to the same location.

Contact information is for use in keeping the CellServDB up to date, and will not be published or made available to third parties.

Mailing List

New versions of the GCO Public CellServDB are published irregularly, based primarily on the number of requests that are received and how busy the maintainer is. To receive an announcement each time a new version is published, you can subscribe to the cellservdb-announce mailing list.